As I created this completely new holistic class and as I went through putting what I saw in my mind into practice, on the mountain side or in an online classroom, I realized I was doing just that; discovering God's amazing Creation; discovering through the symbols of a recorded ancient language and the original language of the Bible, and discovering the story which is told in the entire alphabet of this language. It was truly a glorious personal discovery for me!
One of the most exciting things about it all was how I identified the steps I took which lead to my discoveries. And, it was the same steps I invited those in my class to take as well.
Through The Hebrew Project for Mentors, you will be invited to discover the Symbolic Hebrew Language for yourself! I will walk you through your own study and invite you to practice a simple formula; one that will help you understand how true learning occurs as well as, help this Symbolic language be internalized. Then, after you have experienced it yourself, you will know how to share this learning with others.
We will use the Symbolic Hebrew Alphabet and it's stories, as an outline to practice discovering symbol, shape and number in the Old and New Testaments and in other discovery exercises.Be prepared to be inspired and see your pattern recognition ability increase to inspire a love of seeing patterns!
We begin May 19th.