I love hearing this sound! It is the sound of the Shofar on a Jerusalem street filmed as we were walking from the market.
Maybe it's because I have come to understand it represents one crying out to Heaven to be able to come back into their presence; one who is deeply longing to return, to come home to a place of safety and comfort? Maybe it's because I have come to personally relate to it and I feel that sound within me, crying out to Heaven, deeply longing to return?
According to the Jewish history, this time of year is holy. It resembles a time of new beginnings and a time when Adam recognized he was "lost" and turned towards the Garden of Eden, calling out to our Father in Heaven filled with remorse, with a desire to return home. Each year this special sound can be heard, representing all faithful Israelite's calling back to that Garden of Heaven's presence.
Maybe it's because I have come to understand it represents one crying out to Heaven to be able to come back into their presence; one who is deeply longing to return, to come home to a place of safety and comfort? Maybe it's because I have come to personally relate to it and I feel that sound within me, crying out to Heaven, deeply longing to return?
According to the Jewish history, this time of year is holy. It resembles a time of new beginnings and a time when Adam recognized he was "lost" and turned towards the Garden of Eden, calling out to our Father in Heaven filled with remorse, with a desire to return home. Each year this special sound can be heard, representing all faithful Israelite's calling back to that Garden of Heaven's presence.
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This parable illustrates beautifully a Pilgrim wandering in a strange land becoming accustomed to the language and forgetting the King's language to pass the gate. I can't help but relate it to my life and all of God's children. Could we be that Prince or Princess? Could we have possibly forgotten the language of the King?A King had an only son, the apple of his eye. The King wanted his son to master different fields of knowledge and to experience various cultures, so he sent him to a far-off country, supplied with a generous quantity of silver and gold. Far away from home, the son squandered all the money until he was left completely destitute. In his distress he resolved to return to his father's house and after much difficulty, he managed to arrive at the gate of the courtyard to his father's palace.In the passage of time, he had actually forgotten the language of his native country, and he was unable to identify himself to the guards. In utter despair he began to cry out in a loud voice, and the King, who recognized the voice of his son, went out to him and brought him into the house, kissing him and hugging him.The meaning of the parable: The King is G-d. The prince is the Jewish people, who are called "Children of G-d" (Deuteronomy 14:1). The King sends a soul down to this world in order to fulfill the Torah and mitzvot. However, the soul becomes very distant and forgets everything to which it was accustomed to above, and in the long exile it forgets even its own "language." So it utters a simple cry to its Father in Heaven. This is the blowing of the shofar, a cry from deep within, expressing regret for the past and determination for the future. This cry elicits G-d’s mercies, and He demonstrates His abiding affection for His child and forgives him.
This I do know, the moment we feel this cry swelling within our breasts, we turn and do cry out to Heaven. The King of Heaven and His Angels hear that sincere desire and His eldest son, our Savior Jesus Christ, walks out to embrace us and carry us back. His atoning power envelopes us, free's us, enable's us, protects us. And do you know what?
His merciful arm is outstretched still.
Great Resources to read more:
- Rosh Hashanah date and a Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide to Celebrate
- The Cry of the Shofar and the Head (beginning) of the Year
- The Golden Plates and the Feast of the Tabernacles
- The Gift of Repentance
- A Yearning for Home
- The Pilgrim's Course
- Find more connection with the Ancient Israel Tabernacle and people by observing and searching in this free Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide by Tracie Hyde. Click to find the pdf link on this site.