Come join me in discovering and discussing the Hebraic Principles of Creation for the purpose of increasing your own ability in making connections and leading education as a "Symbolic Hebrew Way" facilitator in your homes and community. It's a Hebraic leadership mentor training like no other.
Begin with our Introductory class to learn one of the Principles of Creation™. This one Principle is so crucial for us all to know because it is the most foundational Natural Law. Once you learn this "Sun at Horizon" principle, you will understand the value and be better able to decide if you want to learn the other Principles of Creation.
Begin with our Introductory class to learn one of the Principles of Creation™. This one Principle is so crucial for us all to know because it is the most foundational Natural Law. Once you learn this "Sun at Horizon" principle, you will understand the value and be better able to decide if you want to learn the other Principles of Creation.
As you practice this study, and you have children or grandchildren near by, you can use the Foundation Builder Guide's Mother's Home Learning Resources to mentor and guide them in these Principles. Teaching is learning and by teaching, it helps you!
The additional Foundation Builder Guidebooks (Mother's Home Learning Resources) have:
*22 Whole-brained thematic units including:
*22 Original Positive Script Children's Stories & Songs
*22 Original Hebrew Journal pages for children
*22 Original Cultural Dances
*22 Simulations/Games to do with your children.
*22 thematic Discovery Experiences in all the subject.
*8 Storytelling Lessons and Flipped-classroom Videos
*Videos of the Principles, Dances, Implementing at home
*Sharing of the many Additional Songs and Resources to help you
It's to be experienced, not told about. That's the Hebrew Way! Come check out our Intro Principles of Creation class ~ The Pilgrim's Course Tutorial & eBook.

The Foundation Builders Guide is an inspired program. Katie's heart and soul is in it and through the details. Each year I gain more and more insight into the Hebrew way and rich symbolism.Its a great, holistic and nature-based program that helps mothers and families join together and learn to observe God more fully in all the details of their lives--a journey of unfolding God's truths and beauties in everyday life.The Early Semitic Pictographic book is a snapshot of this rich symbolic language that can help unfold a new perspective on life and the deeper meanings of everyday shapes, patterns and beauties of God's natural creations.This program is simple, but profoundly deep. IT is not a quick lesson or fix. It is an investment in becoming, for individuals and families. If you have felt drawn to this, just do it; and the answers and guidance become clear as you learn and grow in better understanding and appreciating this beautifully simple, yet complex language and it's value to the world.There will always be other programs and intellectual pursuits that will give you facts and knowledge alone. This is not is much more. As you learn to truly observe and apply true principles in your quest of becoming who you were born to be, you gain perspective on how your life fits into this beautiful journey we call life. This program can do that, but you get out of it what you put into it. ~ Shelley S., 2014 - 2020
Thank you, Katie, for showing me how to discover great truths in the scriptures and other great works through your amazing word study tutorials!
This gentle and very personal way of discovery has shaped my life in so many ways. It has opened my heart and mind to see truths that have helped teach and guide me to greater self-honesty and a higher way of being. I'll be forever grateful for this tool that has become an integral part of my daily study! ~ Lori G., 2015 - 2020
The foundation builder guide has taken me on a surprising journey. I at first thought it was a holistic curriculum for teaching my children principles along with academics. It does help me with that! But I soon found that I was really the one benefitting most. Learning to see connections, ask better questions, understand symbolism, notice and observe true principles, nurture our souls with all good and beautiful things.
These and other benefits are blessing me and making me a better learner and teacher too. The Foundation Builder Guide has been teaching me how to teach in the way the heart learns, and it makes everything we learn more meaningful as we discover as a family that truths in one area connect with all others. It’s a beautiful journey! ~ Alysia H., 2015 - 2017
If I had to choose one word to describe the Foundation Builder Guide, inspired would be that word. When I first learned of the methods and program with The House of the Book, I was intrigued. Symbolic Hebrew is something I had been interested in learning and the idea of taking my family along with me was exciting, but it is so much more than that. Learning to live by the principles I have learned while studying with Katie has opened my heart and prepared me to be a Godly mother...
The mother’s retreat was a turning point in my parenting style. I have turned my attention inward and worked on changing my heart and as I change my heart, the hearts of my family are changing as well. I have learned to be still. I’ve learned new ways to see the scriptures, and to communicate with my Father in Heaven – to listen to His divine council within my heart.
I am blessed to have been involved with a co-op which uses the principles and teachings in Foundation Builder Guide. We’ve started to implement the principles in many aspects of our lives. Since the principles of Creation are principles set from the foundation of the world, they apply to everything from communication within the family, to health, to your communication with God. They give you the power to change your life from within. It has truly been a gift to my family. ~ Lori W. 2013 - 2016
Through the Foundation Builder Guide, Katie shared with me a pattern for discovering gospel principles through the symbolism of the Hebrew alphabet. During the online discussions, Katie didn’t tell me what the symbols meant, she only guided me and allowed me time and space to discover their meanings on my own. As I practiced learning symbolically through studying one letter a month, doors of understanding opened and the view was much more than I had imagined! I realized the Hebrew alphabet provides a scaffolding for gospel truth. To my joy, I began to see a beautiful tapestry of truth unfold. ~ Traci H., 2015 - 2019
The Principles of Creation taught through The Foundation Builder Guide, are creating a change in our home. As I study them for our family Hebrew school community and let them grow in me, I am finding peace because I am applying these correct principles in our home. I see the rhythm of our home; I see the pattern for building our houses, our character house, our families, our school, our homes as Temples. I now see these principles all around us for they are in all things. They are timeless, priceless principles that have always existed yet I never saw them this clearly before. ~ Rhonda S., 2013 - 2016
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