The Connector of All Connections

This month we have been celebrating the True Connector; The Creator of all connections.

  • Connecting us all back to our Eternal home through His birth, life and death.
  • Connecting and protecting families with His atoning power throughout the Universe.  
  • Connecting families to become Eternal.
  • Connecting our mind & hearts with Light & truth.
  • Connecting light to the world.
  • Connecting goodness and virtue. 
  • Connecting all of the House of Israel; all God's children. 
  • Connecting Aleph and Tav; Alpha and Omega.
  • Connecting all stories.
  • Connecting Heaven with Earth.
  • Connecting the Ancient people with the Modern.
Tell the true story.

Use nesting dolls to illustrate and share it.  Paint it.  Sing it.  Dance it.  Write it.  Carve it.  Create it with any organic materials.

Tell the true story, our ultimate Connector with His binding power has come!  Christ was born to save us, free us, heal us and CONNECT us!!

It may not matter who previously instituted dates of Christ's birth and symbols persuading a counterfeit worship.  But, it does matter what we choose to do, who we choose to focus on and worship.

Let's tell the true story and let our light shine everyday by focusing on, celebrating and making connections with Christ.

Would You Like to Join Us?

Would you like to join to discuss with others who hold this same vision?  
We know that our life will be best when focusing on Christ and building foundation by searching for true principles which are ultimately tied to Light and His Creation. 

Here are some of the principles I have discovered in my search for understanding a more Original way of learning and living, The Hebrew Way:
  • The symbolic Principles of Creation are interconnected with our Creator
  • These Principles can be seen throughout the Holy Records, Classic stories, Plants, Our Bodies, Relationships, Songs, Virtues, Art, Mathematical Geometry, etc. 
  • The story of Israel is our human story
  • The Wilderness is a HARD place to be
  • The House of Israel is returning as they awaken
  • Celebrating through Spiritual Rituals and Gatherings help us remember who we are
  • Singing, dancing, breathing, storytelling, music & sound, virtuous words & pure language, original sourced Creation-based whole food & plants and smells, color, and more truly nurture our souls and bring us healing  
  • We truly need to cleanse our vessels to return
  • We return by turning our hearts towards Him
  • Our character needs refining to see Him
  • Seeing poetically, symbolically and in many meanings helps us see God more (Sensus Plenior) 
  • We must have a pure desiring heart in our search for truth
  • We can discover truth through observation, exploration, asking and comparing back to our core understanding of Truth (seek, knock ask)

I invite you to add to our discussion on the facebook group - Gathering Place for Families.
Come discuss with us!

~ Katie Hansen

Principles Learned from:
  • To learn more about Sensus Plenior, see The U.S. Constitution and 196 Indisputable Principles of Freedom, Chapter 1 by Oliver DeMille.
  • The Old & New Testament.
  • The Book of Mormon.
  • The House of the Lord.
  • The study of Footzonology.
  • The study of Leadership Education & Education for Real Life.
  • Multiple Intelligences.
  • My favorite Hebrew resources on this site.
  • Formal and Informal Mentoring over the last 15 years.