This month we have been celebrating the True Connector; The Creator of all connections.
- Connecting us all back to our Eternal home through His birth, life and death.
- Connecting and protecting families with His atoning power throughout the Universe.
- Connecting families to become Eternal.
- Connecting our mind & hearts with Light & truth.
- Connecting light to the world.
- Connecting goodness and virtue.
- Connecting all of the House of Israel; all God's children.
- Connecting Aleph and Tav; Alpha and Omega.
- Connecting all stories.
- Connecting Heaven with Earth.
- Connecting the Ancient people with the Modern.
Use nesting dolls to illustrate and share it. Paint it. Sing it. Dance it. Write it. Carve it. Create it with any organic materials.
Tell the true story, our ultimate Connector with His binding power has come! Christ was born to save us, free us, heal us and CONNECT us!!
It may not matter who previously instituted dates of Christ's birth and symbols persuading a counterfeit worship. But, it does matter what we choose to do, who we choose to focus on and worship.
Let's tell the true story and let our light shine everyday by focusing on, celebrating and making connections with Christ.