Words of Truth and Virtue Garnishing My Thoughts
A must read is Enzio Busche's story: Yearning for the Living God. If you find you have this same yearning you'll find your way out of this world and onto a better. Here are a great set of daily words to lift and rise us.
I met Kerri on one of my random journeys. I bought this picture and it has been a lifeline for me in my home for the past 7 years. I have needed it's visual reminder! I love Kerri. She is a beauty creator!
I found another favorite! Wow, this has been on in my house all week. You can own it too.
Listen here for some of my inspiring favorites.
My children and I have grown to love The Piano Guys. Their music is on in my home quite often. And they inspire my sons to play the piano. Jon Schmidt performed at a park many times close to my home a few years ago, and we never went to see him. Now he costs big bucks. It's a bummer :)
This young lady speaks my story of music and the inspiration the Holy Spirit gives. I grew up essentially without music, besides a few tunes which my mother played. With that void, I eventually turned to the radio, got addicted and my listening choices were not the most uplifting. I had a respite for a year or two and joined a choir, but again, when my desires turned to the "world" or away from my true Divine Nature, I took a one-eighty. I began snowboarding and following a crowd which brought me less than happiness. The music I listened to rapidly turned to ugly and ugliest, dark and darkness enveloped me. Once again, my course was set back within good boundaries. Having distance between me and that time, I awoke to the power music had over me. Like an recovering alcoholic, I abstained. I stayed far away from any music that was on the radio, until I was introduced to classical music by my husband. Ever so slowly, I grew in culture and within my limits. One day, I decided I would not fear anymore. I have been opening ever since and today, I am free!
Classic Stories
Listen HERE to an amazing classic story where a man's journey brings him the unexpected, he opens his door and he begins anew.On Canvas
This is a painting I was able to help create. Twenty-five ladies and I attended The Liberated Soul, a healing retreat for women providing environments that illuminate, and a canvas was just one environment. Try finding the part I added :)
I love her story of healing through dance! She is a great example of being brought high after she was low.
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