Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide ~ A Perfect Resource for Celebrating!

Have you ever attended a harvest-themed gathering where families bring pies from their own garden surplus?  It kind of sounds like a scene from Little House where they bake all day, then travel through the big woods to visit family and play with cousins.  Or, those olden days in America where families gather for a barn raising and some singing and dancing in the evening. 

Usually each fall, our Celebration committee creates family gatherings similar to these, but within our modern context and story; celebrating our Pilgrim's Course story of similar struggle with day to day living within our efforts of returning home.

This year, we are offering a special resource for your family in honor of a special time in the Original calendar.   Monday, September 9th is actually the New Year and the Hebrew people have kept this Original calendar since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden.  These next two days marks the end of the year 5,778.  September 10th will then be the year 5,779 - Five thousand seven hundred eighty years since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden.  

It's interesting huh?  

It's not common we hear of the dates being tracked since that time, but the Jews have been keeping their instructions to keep the records.

This time of year is holy to the Jews and those who honor our Original beginnings.  It actually resembles a time of new beginnings; a time that is known among the Jewish culture, where Adam recognized he was "lost" and turned towards the Garden of Eden, calling out to our Father in Heaven filled with remorse, with a desire to return home.   A tradition ensued at some point, according to the Jews, where each year they gather all their unrepentant sins, burdens, mistakes and call out to G-d to release them in efforts to return back.  This showed their re-commitment to renew, to transform and to begin again to be God's people.   
To read more about the cry of the shofar and the Head (beginning) of the Year, see here.
Read a very interesting article about what happened in 1827 in America on the Feast of Trumpets date. 
Now in our Christian worldview, we know our Creator and Redeemer came to free us and was that gate keeper for Adam and Eve and all their posterity; us.   Even though he came in the meridian of time, Adam was taught to look forward and participate in certain rites which would help them remember and believe in His coming.   And we know, each weekly Sabbath is a symbolic time for us to return back towards our Father through the power of the atonement; to recognize, release and renew along with our families.

Nevertheless, this time of year is significant because I believe it holds certain seasonal or energetic turnings.  For example, my life seems to be Divinely in-tune with these turnings.  
Each July I begin re-evaluating my schedule and life and spend the next few months organizing or ordering, in some way, to begin a new pattern in Sept/October.  I began noticing this pattern some years ago.  It was just happening to me without thinking about it, like it was my second nature.  I believe it was my inner light communicating truth to me actually.  Maybe it is a pattern you have noticed?  If not, try observing it for yourself.
Since this time of year is not only significant to me, but to our Original family of old, I feel the need to share about the importance of our gathering in Celebration of G-d and all His Creation.    Although that should be done daily, weekly and on a personal scale, this year, we are sharing a free resource to be used within our homes.  

Come join my family and I as we gather around our table and search to learn more about G-d's Tabernacle of Moses through Tracie Hyde's Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide!

As more families participate in this kind of "turning back" to our Original Judeo-Christian heritage, we will come to understand the significance of the Israelite's efforts to perform exact obedience through building this Tabernacle.  We have the opportunity today to engage in this study and in doing so, assist in the awakening of the family and people of Israel.  (Romans 11)

Many thanks to Messages of Christ for creating this video!

We have this pdf for you - Tabernacle of Moses Discovery Guide by Tracie Hyde - on this link (scroll down to middle of the page).  Gathering around the table to study words is a great way to gather and celebrate the New Year! 

Join us!

~ Katie 

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