At first we may think of it in terms of our relatively recent culture established in America when the early Western settlers and Pilgrims came, bringing a Judeo-Christian culture in efforts to live their religious God-given liberties. That may be part of the answer as that heritage holds the foundation of our laws which are based on Natural Laws found in the Bible. The roots of this Judeo-Christian culture stem from the time of Christ in the Palestine/Egyptian area just prior to the birth of Western Civilization which began the “Times of the Gentiles.” Those Original Culture seeds were planted by the ancient forefathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Joseph) and recorded as the Original Biblical story; a cultural heritage that reveals and completes our Universal “Pilgrim’s Course” story of the remnant of the branch of the tree which was broken off.

“In the life of the Indian, there was only one inevitable duty–the duty of prayer, the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. His daily devotions were more necessary to him than his food. He wakes at daybreak, puts on his moccasins, and steps down the water’s edge. Here he throws handfuls of clear, cold water into his face, or plunges in bodily. After the bath he stands erect before the advancing dawn, facing the sun as it dances upon the horizon, and offers his unspoken orison. His mate may precede or follow him in his devotions, but never accompanies him. Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth, and the Great Silence alone! When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light. Give thanks for your food and give thanks for the joy of living. And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, rest assured the fault is in yourself.” ~ Ohiyesa, the Sioux
“I cannot pretend to explain [these prophetic powers], but I know our people possessed remarkable powers of concentration and abstraction, and I sometimes fancy that such nearness to nature keeps the spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt and in touch with the unseen powers.” ~ Ohiyesa, the Sioux
“The Redman's social system was very much nearly the same and that instituted by Moses. …The identity of their laws with those of the Israelites, and instances of their marriage customs, treatments for sick, burial of dead, mourning, absolutions. In their feasts, fasting's and sacrificing, they are exceedingly like those of the ancient [Hebrew] people.” ~ Ernest Thompson Seton
There are unrecognized, unseen fragments of our Original Culture in these and many other peoples and cultures of the Earth. Do our modern-day family lifestyles and traditions transfer the kind of strength, power and connection with the Unseen Creator shown in some of these cultures? Could these wholesome traditions have originated in the first people on earth? Adam and Eve’s family who had a written language and lived a simple life on the land? A people who gathered yearly to tell of the Creation and their story of how they came to be here and how they all might return? A people who celebrated their life and liberty through simple yet profoundly meaningful rituals? A people of the land and a people under a contractual covenant with the Great Spirit or Creator, who like the Native American Indians of North America knew their God and lived in daily recognition and acknowledgement of Him in every aspect of their lives?
“When food is taken, the woman murmurs a grace as she lowers the kettle, an act so softly and unobstructively performed that one who does not know the custom usually fails to catch the whisper: “Spirit partake!” As her husband receives the bowl or plate, he likewise murmurs his invocation to the Spirit. When he becomes an old man, he loves to make a notable effort to prove his gratitude. He cuts off the choicest morsel of the meat and casts it into the fire–the purest and most ethereal element.” ~ Ernest Thompson Seton
Do we carry that depth of meaning and purpose with us from our own unique beginnings or have we become separated from our roots? What could bring that same profoundness and meaning to our lives? What exactly is it we are needing? Could it be a greater personal connection to our Creator and that Original Culture?
The Judeo-Christian heritage of our early American history, in its true essence, as well as that which was recorded in the Biblical stories of our original ancestors can add great insight into that Original Culture we may be needing to restore within our own house and communities. Maybe it won’t look the same, but could the answer to current situations be in coming to know our ancient forefather’s purpose and motivations, recognizing principles and patterns in their lives, seeing ourselves in their story and what role we play in God’s Great Story? Could this also lead us to greater purpose within our own family?
This Great Story has its roots in the most Original Sources of all time! Original Sources that extend back much earlier than our Bible, that were in fact, the foundations of all Creation! Principles which are deep and unseen, yet scattered throughout everything God has made; including in you, and everything in nature, and that which contain principles of “theory, doctrine, in the law of the gospel, …that are expedient for you to understand; “of things both in Heaven and in the earth, and things under the Earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms.”
God’s Great Story, and his original culture and ways, can be seen and verified as we, ourselves, return to a study of the most Original Source language of the Bible to truly understand the Universal family historical record of the Bible more accurately. What is the Original Source of the language of the Bible? The Hebraic Principles of Creation from the Language of Creation. Returning to these Original Sources can assist us in preserving and restoring our family stories, culture and heritage.
What many do not naturally see is that a deeper study from this Original Source language in the symbolic and original, agency-based way through which it was recorded, will do so much more to help our heart connect with our own personal story of who we are, why we are here, and where we fit within our family and God’s Great Story.
It may be easy to think we already have the knowledge and understanding of all the Truth and Original Sources needed. Could there be more to the story that may be unseen? Are there teachings and traditions in our social or religious culture we may be misinterpreting or that may even be incorrect? Could we be lacking in wisdom and understanding because our educational model isn’t aligned with Original Sources and Ways? What incorrect assumptions about many things of importance might we be making because we are lacking in a foundational study of these Original Sources? If we think our current cultural and religious beliefs will hold us spiritually steadfast and intact without returning to the most Original Sources, we must think again. Understanding Truth from the most Original Sources prepares us to receive our Creator's teachings from His voice to our mind and heart; without confusion, a sure knowing. It truly helps us think in terms of finding truth.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources to help build your foundation on God for yourself and the next generation.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources for becoming who you are meant to be.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources so you can guide your family more accurately and be a voice of knowing for them.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources to more deeply understand the symbols of scripture, numerical symbolism (gematria), parables, and those biblical stories from a viewpoint of their underlying principles.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources to withstand the collapse of the “Times of the Gentiles” as “the times” returns to the “House of Israel.” (This is supposed to be quite epic! see Romans 11)
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources to prepare yourself for your Commission with God.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources the gain the awareness that deeply connects us with our family story and why we are here on this Earth!
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources for an enhanced ability to make connections and embrace personal transformation.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources in order to think and determine your life and story in terms of knowing TRUTH in all things.
đŸ‘‰Return to the most Original Sources to find that which is hidden, written in code and a mystery to those who do not seek for it.
Learning from the foundational language of the Bible (the “Language of Creation'') can do all this, but why spend 30-40 years like a Rabbi in the Jewish faith, when there might be a simpler way to be immersed in this depth of understanding? At first glance it might seem very straightforward. We might say, “Anyone can learn Hebrew. The internet is full of Hebrew!” This Semitic (from Shem) language is unlike any other foreign language, and it is more than just what you might think you know about the Hebrew language. It is a unique, multi-layered, symbolic language passed down through an oral-tradition style of mentoring; shown, through exploration and question, not told; a symbolic language meant for multi-dimensional engagement levels. The Way this symbolic language has been transferred over the generations is by those who show the Way, both human and angelic. The nature of learning from the Original Source, symbolic Way of the Bible lends itself best to having a Guide or a Mentor who shows the Way.
Commit to your own growth and innate ability to discover even greater connections and Truth for your life. Don’t allow doubt to interfere with this invitation. Your opportunity is here and now in this study of the Hebraic Principles of Creation!
Get access to the resources we have prepared that offer this.
There are two ways to utilize Foundation Builder Guide as a Guide and Mentor, and three ways to do-it-yourself.
Two ways with a GUIDE:
- The Principles of Creation Symbolic-Study for Women/Families is a mentored community acting as a “Guide” to offer the resources and assistance following the “Hebrew Way” oral tradition pattern. We are a community of Women, Sisters, Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts and Daughters experiencing transformation through these God-centric Principles of Creation monthly study resources of the most Original Sources. These resources and the mentoring layers (Level 1, 2 & 3), as well as association with others will help you learn from the Original Sources of the Bible & Creation! It is like no other kind of study! Layer by layer a deep awakening happens within you. Instead of taking the time it would take to go through a Hebrew Rabbinical or Liberal Arts scholar school to gain a deep and broad education, put your time into this restored Christian worldview program training the women and mothers of the home! You’ll gain so much more!
- The Hebrew Way Discussion Group is a way to study and attend LIVE discussions within our community on the general topics of what are taught in the book The Hebrew Model: Restoring Our Original Culture & Story (or the Intro Principles of Creation Class ~The Pilgrim’s Course Tutorial). Each month a new book is selected, and the most foundational Hebraic Principle of Creation as taught in The Hebrew Model: Restoring Our Original Culture & Story* is seen and discussed. *pdf of book will be emailed out to you
- Begin with our self-guided introductory class sharing the most foundational of these Hebraic Principles of Creation. We call it The Pilgrim’s Course Tutorial. It is an online Retreat with nurturing resources such as music, healthy recipes, movement, and many other experiences in which to engage.
- Learn through reading our Ancient Hebrew Alphabet book and the accompanying free gift –The English & Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Drawing Guide. These have Katie’s specialized research in the Ancient Biblical stories which will help connect you in a deeper way to the Bible.
- Take your learning a step further by getting online access to our Symbolic-Learning Home Resources. These will give you lifetime access to simple original children’s stories, songs, and activities which help you learn right along with your children and grandchildren.

These options will assist you to begin your walk and journey in gaining a deeper understanding of God’s language of symbolism ~ the Original Source of the Bible! We know it will bless your life as we have been guided to prepare it to do so.
Join our community of families so that we can know YOU and your story, learn how God is going to bless the world through you and share with you the vision which comes from this remarkable study!
- The Gospel of the Redman, Ernest Thompson Seton
- The Hebraic Principles of Creation, Foundation Builder Guide
- Section 88:78-80, Doctrine and Covenants
- Symbolic-Learning Home Resources, Foundation Builder Guide
- The Hebrew Model: Restoring Our Original Culture & Story, Katie Hansen
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