Have you ever used your trust, intention and focused efforts into The Word? How about in a effort to seek healing from your life? Did you notice it impacted you? It is my experience and testament that the words which have come from generations of Holy Men we call Prophets, Seers, Shaman, Enlightened Ones, were written from the original source of Light and wholeness, our Divine Creator and Intelligent Designer. I know Him as my Savior.
I have done this and have been set on a Course unknown to me. I trust and continue still in this journey which has brought beautiful healing and answers to life's challenges.
After I had re-begun my Course (July 2007), certain friend mentors came into my life which helped me out of the pit I was in, teaching and nurturing me through that place. As I began to apply more diligent searching through the Words of Christ and other amazing classics, my God began teaching me through shapes and numbers.
For instance, I was studying The Making of Americafor a class and as I read the part about General Welfare, I had an understanding revealed to my mind so profoundly that I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. (Believe me, everyone in my class and around me at that time knew.) The amazing thing about it was the shapes which came to my mind and taught me the principle. One isosceles triangle pointing downwards & one isosceles triangle over lapping and pointing upward as if one was coming from heavenward and the other earthward. Together they form a star. I had a complete understanding of the principle of General Welfare and learned about it concerning the way my God governs His children.Another time I was taught through shapes and numbers was when I was studying in the scriptures and noticed a circle at certain places when the words said, "the course of the Lord is One Eternal Round." So I noticed, re-read it, explored more, drew a circle and moved on. When I observed it again, I explored it, asked if it was teaching me anything and drew another circle. A few months later I was reading a passage with a friend and we stopped because we noticed in one verse there was a list of words: humble, submissive, long-suffering, etc. It was like the Sermon on the Mount and 2nd Peter - a progressive list. I turned my page over and guess what I saw? Correct. I saw the circles I had drawn and the words were, "his course is one eternal round." I turned the page back over and looked at the list and said, "It's a circle! The Course of the Lord!"
I knew it was a pattern God was teaching me. Try seeing meaning in it for yourself. Alma 7.
"..be humble and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever thing ye do receive. And see that ye have faith,hope and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works."
It was after this that I began learning about the Hebrew Principles and really connecting them with these shapes and numbers. There are some good resources listed on this site to begin for yourself. Put it to the test. Am I just up in the night? You see if it has meaning for you and your journey.
The neat thing is, the circle is a symbol tied with the number 1 and the letter a Aleph, also a symbol. It represents God, Unity, Strength, Power, Whole and Wholeness, Being, etc. The Words of Christ which have been record through Prophets, Holy Men, Enlightened Ones, or Shaman, have been written through symbolism, with a symbolic context. Symbolic Language is the language of our Creator and His Symbols: laws, principles and truths, are embodied in this entire Creation. Yes, Nature and Human Nature.
After I began seeing in shapes and numbers, the Hebrew, I started noticing these Hebraic principles in stories. You may have noticed them too! The story of Corrie ten Boom. Her journey takes her through a course and with angelic helpers and guidance as well as the opposition. No matter what she faced, she always continued in the goodness in which she was guided. The story of Maria VonTrapp. She grew a relationship with her Creator and began depending on that guidance as her and her husband felt they should move their family to America and were lead to travel around singing. I saw the lives of many in the biographies I was reading displayed that circle, the Course. I saw the circle in Les Miserables, based around the Sermon on the Mount. It was The Pilgrim's Course. I called it Pilgrim because Father Abraham was the Pilgrim who showed us how to wander on this Earth, following The Course with a Covenant Path.
My trust, intention and effort, seeking and knocking, observing and great exploration and asking, in the Word, brought me great healing and connection with my Creator. It raised my frequency primarily and secondly, it brought beauty and order to my world and understanding. I highly recommend any of it!
Begin immersing yourself in Symbolic Language and "let virtue garnish your thoughts unceasingly." See what happens next.
Words from Enzio Busche to Up Lift you.
The Words of Christ are UPlifting and bring us higher, to a higher ground. Other ways to include virtuous words: positive affirmations & scripts, memorizing uplifting quotes, poetry, proclamations and documents, creating and listening to your very own LifeVision, etc.

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