What else do you have to release?

Would you believe it if I told you when I was 17 I was punched in the face by a girl who I didn't even know?

I had absolutely no idea of the impact that experience would have over my life.  Actually I had completely forgotten about it, that is until last month when I was faced with some devastating shocking news and my neck went out.  I could barely sleep so I headed to the chiropractor.  

He first found I had a disc out in my neck.   As he worked on correcting my muscles, nerves and spine through Applied Kinesiology, he also found there was some emotion in my governing meridian that was linked to the age of 17.  (Even though this may seem unorthodox, it happened to me nonetheless.  Christs Gospel was also unorthodox at His time:)  He asked what that could be?  

I knew the drill.  

Thanks to many friends and facilitators, I have been learning of how our life memories and storage of experiences can be simply recalled when we ask and allow them to come.

I said, "okay" and took a deep breath to ground myself.  Almost immediately I had a memory come to my mind.  

It was an experience of when I was on a date with a guy at the Maryland State Fair.  We met across the street at the bowling alley, where friends worked and often hung out, and we headed over.  There were hundreds of people walking through each row and I was walking with this guy whom I had never gone on a date with and another couple.  Out of no where, a short petite younger girl's fist was coming towards my face from around my right side.  The punch pushed me down on my back side onto the asphalt as she was over me, probably going for more.  I got my feet under me and shoved her with all my might.  She went up and over to the ground where my knee busted on the asphalt and I was now above her.  Two muscle men began holding us back saying, "Alright, break this up."  As if I even wanted it!

I was quite shocked and I think it pretty much ended my date.  

I went forward from there; on with my life patterns, not discovering them.  Not even knowing how they would impact me for ill for the next 24 years.  

Right there in that moment of recognition, in my mind, heart, body and spirit, and with that healing breath, I was able to release the impact of that blow.  I was informed I would go through the next 24-hours and my body systems would adjust.  I actually found myself crying in the evening and weeping through an entire two hour session at my house of worship that next day.  It was obviously connected because crying is not something I have often done since that time. 

From that one negative experience, I learned a few things:
  • That the young man I was with, didn't take her off me while I was down.
  • That I had to be my own defense.  I had to defend myself when accused, threatened, or punched in the face.
  • And boy do I hate the fair!
Now, these are not the only things I learned, but these are some of the false beliefs that cemented.  This impactful emotional experience cemented it well.  It actually again verified the lie that I have been told by my spiritual enemies my entire life.  As I have been releasing these types of things, I have come to understand my real life "wilderness" struggle and this was relevant to it.  

When this date of mine, stood and watched, and I got my feet under me and fought back, I also learned I had to hold-up a false-pride in my defense.  Not to be humble and hurt by someone punching me in the face or trying to take the guy whom I was with away, but to be overly defensive and stand in an overly confident way, when I was feeling shocked and scared inside.  It could be expected that was what I had to do and I believe many would do the same.  But it was this false belief of pride and over confidence and trying to defend from the shock and awe, that I chose to believe in that moment, and which I have continually seen when I feel threatened or scared. 
It was this single negative experience, emotion and falsehood which has been a burden on me and has negatively impacted some of my most important relationships.  I could go on sharing the stories, believe me, but I want to illustrate a very important message.  

Since releasing this single burden through the atoning power of Jesus Christ, I no longer feel a desire to hold up a defense in the face of shock and fear.  I have cried more in the last month than over the last 24 years.  I feel my tears have a deep root and are bringing out more hidden pain to give away to my Savior.   I've been able to see how much more pain, sorrow and burden I have to release through His enabling and atoning power and it makes me wonder, What else do I have to release?  What else is there?  What other pains and sorrows am I carrying?  What is my vulnerability and how can I allow Christ's strength to heal me fully?  (Writing this and asking myself these questions helped me know my next one to really address is fear.)
Look to the Son and shed that which is dead.
I believe this is a big reason why we are here sojourning on this planet Earth and that it should be our biggest educational concern.  But no matter the why, I'm beginning to know it is the only way to return.  We must recognize and feel the pain of our struggles and develop that essential pattern of calling out to our Creator for the comfort of home.  Then, be about releasing those; completely letting them go out and upward towards the Son, so we can be reformed by Him and restored to our true Divine Nature, thus be transformed and renewed.  
This is the purpose of this time of year.  This is the perfect time to renew. 

So I ask.... 

What else do you have to release? 

Pick up a pencil and a paper and write this question.  Then write whatever pops into your head.  Trust yourself.  You know inside.  Your Spirit knows.  Write until nothing comes.  Ask yourself if there is anything else?  God will answer.  Write it.  Then, take a deep breath and let it go out with your exhale.  

This releasing to Christ is truly The Way forward.  What are we waiting for?  Let's travel the course together and return!  

Fall Harvest Gatherings

Have you ever attended a harvest themed gathering where families bring pies from their own garden surplus?  It kind of sounds like a scene from Little House where they bake all day then, travel through the big woods to visit family and play with cousins.  Or those olden days in America where families gather for a barn raisings and some singing and dancing in the evening. 

Essentially, our Celebration committee is creating gatherings similar to these, but within our modern context and story.  Sure our story is of similar struggle with day to day living.  We are just in a different place and time, gathering for the purpose of living principles such as returning.
We are not waiting until the cold sets in, when the pumpkins and apples are ready.  But, we are holding this gathering at a special time in the original calendar.  It's actually the New Year and the Hebrew's have kept this original calendar since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden.  This month marks the end of the year 5,776.  October 3rd will then be the year 5,777 - Five thousand seven hundred years since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden.  It's interesting huh?  It's not common we hear of the dates being tracked since that time, but the Jews have been keeping records.

This time of year is holy to the Jews and those who honor our original beginnings.  It actually resembles a time of new beginnings; a time that is known among the Jewish culture, where Adam recognized he was "lost" and turned towards the Garden of Eden, calling out to our Father in Heaven in remorsefulness with a desire to return home.  A tradition ensued at some point, according to the Jews, where each year they gather all their unrepentant sins, burdens, mistakes and call out to release them in efforts to return back.  This showed their re-commitment to renew, to transform and to begin again to be God's people.   
To read more about the cry of the shofar and the Head (beginning) of the Year, see here.
Now in my Christian worldview, I know our Creator and Redeemer came to free us and was that gate keeper for Adam and Eve and all their posterity; us.   Even though he came in the meridian of time, Adam was taught to look forward and participate in certain rites which would help them remember and believe in His coming.   And I know, each weekly Sabbath is a symbolic time for us to return back towards our Father through the power of the atonement; to recognize, release and renew along with our families.

Nevertheless, this time of year is significant because I believe it holds certain seasonal or energetic turnings.  Each July I begin re-evaluating my schedule and life and spend the next few months organizing or ordering, in some way, to begin a new pattern in Sept/October.  I began noticing this pattern some years ago.  It was just happening to me without thinking about it, like it was my second nature.  I believe it was my inner light communicating truth to me actually.  Maybe it is a pattern you have noticed?  If not, try observing it for yourself.

Since this time of year is not only significant to me, but to our original family of old.  I felt it was the perfect time to add to the gatherings and turnings by inviting others to celebrate the story of us and our journey back home.  Although that is a big task and should be done daily, weekly and on a personal scale, why not do it as our people did in this land in a more recent time; gathering for sharing in the joy from our labors?    

Well, that's what we are doing!   On Friday, September 23rd, 2016 

Our theme:  Our Journey Home
Sing-a-long Song:  Long Way Home by Stephen Chapman Curtis
Pot-luck: Family Recipe Pie theme (dinner, desert or even casserole type-salads)

We are having: 
  • Story-building booth where we add our family stories together and create an original story by the end. 
  • Other Project booths like Waldorf hands-on with beeswax crayons; watercolor, nature creations, a Quilting circle, Food-storage samples, etc.
  • Contra-dancing (America's folk dance)   and open Ballroom dance after 2 ballroom performances.
  • Optional Family Pot-luck.
  • Singing together Long Way Home to accompany our theme: "Our Journey Home."
  • Live Fiddle and Mandolin playing.
  • Foundation Builder Guide children's dances.
  • Family, Like-minded friends, and Fun!

Get this FREE cookbook!
This spring I met a friend who was also preparing to teach others principles and she has made a principle-based cookbook about families who gathered to share in their harvest.  It's called Humble Pie by Ali Eisenach with Lemon Poppy Inc. and she is one of our sponsors for this years family Celebration.  The first 25 families will receive this cookbook FREE with their family ticket.   

And there is only room for 35 families!  Registration ends THIS Thursday, Sept 22nd!

Register and get details here  

However you look at it, it's a great way to gather with other families and begin the new year! 

~ Katie 

Discovering the Principles of Creation

I invite you to come discover the Principles of Creation with me!  

Invitation to Foundation Builder Guide from LiberLabs on Vimeo.

It’s a Hebraic principles program mentoring the Mother and providing positive affirmation thematic & holistic experiences for children incorporating all subjects and 7 Liberal Arts.

Our next set of monthly classes begins Monday, August 29th at 6:30 am.
And we have added bonus online Storytelling & Project Building Workshops on Aug. 24th & 25th from 6:-7:30 am.  All in the Foundation Builder Guide Welcome.

Read more about it here:

The Skills of Discovery

I want to share this simple un-edited video of me sharing about the Skills of Discovery.  I talk about them tons on this site, but it may help you in your journey of challenging assumptions and discovering personal meanings through Nature.  

Enjoy finding God in everything!

A Natural Learning Process

I just laugh inside when i think of this...

Last Fall, my daughter began reading a series of books when I saw her countenance change a bit for the worse.  There were a few other factors to consider for the reason, but I did what I felt necessary, and told her I needed her to stop reading them; to take a break and to read other great books we had on our shelves.  She didn't like that "No" answer and said she wouldn't read anything.  I said without fear, "Okay."

One day after a few months (she had still read books around the house), I randomly printed off a Reading Chart I found on the internet (like the one below) for a few of my children, and put them under the plastic cover on our dining room table.  After a few days, she said with excitement, "Mom, if I read fifty classics, can I read the ______ books again?"  I said, "Sure."

So, she began discovering many amazing characters and world's through the eyes of great people who lived and live great lives.

The other day she said with a laugh, "What if those books aren't exciting anymore?"   "That's very possible," I said with a smile....Then an older child chimed in on that as well.

Today she did it!!  She finished fifty other books I agreed were more classic. 

While her story will continue onward, I smile inside for the small miracle this experience has been.  She has read like she never read before.  I have seen her face lighten up with excitement over the stories of the Girl of the Limber-lost, Anne of Green Gables, Phantom Tollbooth, Charlie's Monument, Little Women, Little Men, Mother Theresa, etc.   Will the other series be exciting still?  Time will only tell, but I love how she has learned to trust.  Trust there is greater substance in some of those stories on the shelves than she thought Trust to move forward with more faith-fullness and hope.   Her faith has been verified in this process.   Her ability to choose more wisely is increasing.  Her heart has been affected for the good and her light and vision has increased.  
Subjects learned in this process:
Language Arts-Reading, Discussing, etc.
Scientific-Exploration and Discovery, etc.
Mathematics-Charting progress, Analyzing, etc.
History/Geography- Biographical Stories and Locations.
Added benefits: Value of Family & Mentoring, Gaining greater Vision,
Faith in Believing "I can things that seem harder." etc.
I didn't plan it.  But, I knew there was so much more valuable content to inspire her elsewhere and I completely trusted God's natural learning process with humble followers.

As she became more humble in accepting the situation, she searched for more options with getting what she desired and she asked.  She began seeing options she had never considered and her trust and faith grew.

We all learn in these same ways.  It's the same process that brings us inward growth and character, that inner strength and courage to act - believing something will work out, and move in directions which may seem undesirable or unknown at first.  Whether it is learning in our minds, for our bodies or social/emotional lessons in relationships, it's all the same process.  And remember, God does not separate learning into different buildings or age groups.  God gives us families and relationships to learn these most important learning lessons.  

Celebrating Our Ancient Story: Passover

Consider Celebrating Passover with your family this Spring.  

Why Celebrate it?  

The symbols and order of foods teach humility and gratitude, remembrance of Christ and our original Ancient story.  They compliment everything we Christians believe.

How do you do it?      Gather the foods.  Make the Unleavened bread or buy Matzah.  Make the Haroset or use Applesauce.  Buy some lamb meat.  (I get my lamb from a local Greek take-out.)    Pre-read the stories of Ancient Israel in the Bible.  
Passover Simulation from Foundation Builder Guide 2015.
Here are a simple simulation I wrote for the Mother's Home-learning Resources in the Foundation Builder Guidebook Principle 7

The OBJECTIVE and purpose of this simulation is to give the Mothers and children an experience with a “Jewish” feast and the symbolism connected with it. As the food is eaten, have the lead mother or designate another to tell the stories of the Hebrews and ask questions about the symbolic foods.  If you hold both feasts in one day, it is suggested that in between these two Feasts, the children are taken outside or to another area to participate in the Mattock Dance while the next feast is set up.
SUGGESTED SET-UP:  Place utensils, napkins, and saucers with salt water like condiments on the “tables.” Prepare the plates as a Seder plate with the seven different foods, then pass out plates to children.  For background understanding of purposes and symbolism of Jewish Passover Feasts, read the Haggadah, Celebrate! by Gilda Berger (Jewish author) or Celebrating Passover by Marianne Monson-Burton (LDS author).
INSTRUCTIONS: Passover Feast: Gather, present and eat these seven symbolic food items for a Passover Feast. Tell the following stories: Israel’s Flight from Egypt, The Unleavened Bread, The Last Supper .
  1. Unleavened bread – This symbol originally represented the needfulness of Israel fleeing with their bread not yet risen. Bread without yeast can last a long time and leavened bread goes bad. Today, it can represent the Savior as the Bread of Life and the corruption of sin and the Incorruption of the Savior, just as the unleavened bread is easily incorruptible.
  2. Greens – (Romaine Lettuce or Parsley Dipped in salt water) Dipping the greens in salt water represents the tears of Israel in Egypt under bondage. The greens represent the hope and rebirth of freedom as the hope of spring after a long winter.
  3. Grape Juice – This represents the covenant the Lord made to Israel (Exodus6:6-8)
  4. Haroset – This represent s the mortar in Egpyt, another reminder of their slavery.
  5. Horseradish – This represents the bitterness of bondage/slavery and sin.
  6.  Egg – This symbolized a new life and the temple, which are both derived from the Hebrew word home.
  7. Lamb – A lamb was used for the sacrifices in the Temple. This lamb had to be the first born with no blemishes, no broken bones, etc. This Paschal Lamb represents the Christ, the lamb without blemish who paid the price for our redemption and who is the bride price for Israel.
Passover Simulation from Foundation Builder Guide 2015.
Passover Simulation from Foundation Builder Guide 2015.
Tell the Stories of Israel being set free from bondage while eating the Passover foods.  
  • "Let my people go." - Moses Exodus Ch 7 - 11
  • The Passover meal: Exodus 12
Found on Google Search
Eat the foods and discuss. Ask questions like:
What do you notice? Why did our family of Israel eat these bitter herbs? Why unleavened bread? Why the lamb? Do we feast together as a family today? When? Where?
Let your children come up with the answers!  When learning symbolism, it is important to allow them to make their own connections.  If you want to tell them what it could mean, STOP and tell a story instead.  That way, the visual images of the stories will invite, engage the mind, heart - appealing to the senses of your children, and it will be so much more meaningful and memorable!!

You can also add the stories our future feast with Christ through these:  
  1. The Parable of the Ten Virgins - emphasizing the Wedding Feast,
  2. Fairy Tale: King Thrushbeard (A story of the Bridegroom, His dealings with Israel and His coming Wedding Feast). mp3 of King Thrushbeard 
Photo credit: Walter Rane   
Then, DON'T FORGET the DANCING!  Dance in between the stories and meal, and at the end if you want!   No worries, dancing is our Original Culture!!

Enjoy these recipe's:
2 tart apples1/2 cup walnuts1/4 teaspoon cinnamon1 teaspoon honey1 tablespoon apple juiceCore apples (it is not necessary to peel them). Chop apples and walnuts together in food processor blender or by hand until finely chopped (the size of grape nuts) With a wooden spoon, stir in the cinnamon, honey and apple juice until well blended. Will serve 10-12 people. Serving is 1 teaspoonMix all ingredients.Add enough juice to bind the mixture.
Unleavened Bread--
Ingredients:1 teaspoon all-purpose flour for dusting*1 cup all-purpose flour*1/3 cup water, or more if needed1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, or as needed (optional)1 teaspoon olive oil, or as needed (optional)Directions:Move an oven rack near the top of oven and preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C). Preheat a heavy baking sheet in the oven.Dust a clean work surface and a rolling pin with 1 teaspoon flour, or as needed. Place 1 cup of flour into a mixing bowl; set a timer for about 16 minutes (18 minutes maximum). Start the timer; pour the water, about 1 tablespoon at a time, into the flour. Stir the water and flour together with a fork until the dough forms a rough ball, remove the dough to the prepared work surface, knead rapidly and firmly until smooth, about 30 seconds to 1 minute. 
Divide the dough into four equal pieces; cut each piece in half again to get 8 pieces total. Swiftly roll each piece into a ball. Roll each piece of dough out into a 5-inch pancake, dusting the top and rolling pin with flour as needed. Gradually roll the pancakes out to a size of about 8 inches, increasing the size of each by about 1 inch, then letting the dough rest for a few seconds before rolling again to the finished size. Roll from the center out. The bread rounds should be very thin. Using a fork, quickly pierce each bread about 25 times, all over, to prevent rising. The holes should go completely through the bread. Flip the bread over, and pierce each piece another 25 times with the fork.With at least 5 minutes left on the timer, remove the hot baking sheet from the preheated oven, and place the rounds onto the baking sheet. Place the baking sheet onto the rack near the top of the oven, and bake for 2 minutes; turn the breads over and bake an additional 2 minutes, until the matzot are lightly browned and crisp.Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Lightly anoint each matzah with olive oil, using a brush, and sprinkle generously with salt.

Celebrating Our Ancient Story Together,

Great resources to read about Celebrating Passover from an Original Hebrew restored viewpoint:

An Original Way of Learning

Are you searching for more of a natural natural way of learning and teaching, which will protect the agency of your children and connect you all to our original culture and story?  

Maybe you are satisfied with your Government-led, left-brained approach to schooling and are not looking for better solutions, but if you are not satisfied and would like a more Original Way to learn, my husband and I have been busy creating a Hebraic principle-based guide to help Mother's (& Father's) teach all the Liberal Arts from the most original source in their homes.  It includes a Godcentric view of learning, called teaching in The Hebrew Way, through our original character building stories, storytelling, and discovery experiences in all the subjects.  

This Guide encourages:
Learning through relationship building connection and Play.  ~Exploring and discovering the Hebraic Principles of Creation:
  • Through Nature - through shape, number, symbols, exploring in mathematics;
  • Through Language - storytelling original stories, and includes storytelling lessons and videos for 8+ year old children  (Mother's too) and storytelling 22 stories of Israel, Positive scripting and words;
  • Through Movement - song, dance, simulations, games, project building, exploring all sciences.   
When you do this, then, 
+ Add your family/individual reading time with classics sharing wholeness, journaling, calculating, measuring, family & home work, etc. with Christ in the center,

What do you get?

= Whole-brain, Project-learning, Liberal Arts thinking skills, Charlotte Mason, Montessori style, Multiple Intelligence-learning.  Storytelling.  
And introducing:  The Principles of Creation delivered to children, Organic Environments & Materials, Skills of Discovery, Foundation Builder Guide's Positive-affirmation Songs & Stories.   
(All the while giving your children a Servant-Leadership Education) 
= Real Learning

It's called The Foundation Builder Guide.  It is a Symbolic-Learning at Home, original thematic unit resource, teaching symbolic principles for Mother's to use with their children.  (That means there can be endless of ways to use this because their are multiple layers of meaning with the symbols.)

 This resource can be used as a whole curriculum or a 
supplement in your family or home learning.   

See details on this Symbolic-Learning at Home resource here.

I know you will love this heart-nurturing experience in your family!  

Happy Day,

Our Story & Culture in the Bible

When was the last time you read the Old Testament?  How about the New?  Did you know of the foundation it has layed for cultures all over the world and how it's culture lead in Equality, Moral & Ethical Code, Justice, and Marriage & Family? 

               A set of scriptures lying on top of a pile of other activities, paired with the words “Uncover Buried Treasure.”

As I have read, pondered, explored, asked, sought, knocked and noticed through the record of the Jews known as Hebrew, I have truly been taught from the Ancients the story of Israel.  If it wasn't for my asking, 'What it was God wanted me to do,' heeding Paul's example, I don't know how I would have gone on this journey learning Our Story in the way I did.   And it has literally revealed to me how I am to prepare for my future service.  
Clarify your questions, then go digging everywhere for the answers in that book.

The Hebrew Way is in there.  

Reading the Bible cover to cover is great, but I do suggest finding your purpose for your search.   We have a great responsibility to seek after, understand and live the teachings in these stories.  We have a great responsibility to be that relatively few and small community, penetrating through the onslaught of false ideas and beliefs about God, His kind and our True culture and story.    

I would argue it is our purpose and mission. 
"Do we appreciate the fact that its God-inspired values—preserved by a relatively small community—survived ages of widespread turmoil and false beliefs to eventually spread teachings regarding God and morality throughout the world in preparation for greater revelations to follow?" 
                                                                  -Chris Conkling 
Read more in this article called The Book That Built a Better World

My Real Passion: The Gathering of Isreal

Have you ever wondered why I have a gathering theme here as I share about The Hebrew Way?
When I began this journey,  the name The Gathering Place and the wheat theme was very clear.  So I began building and gathering resources to share about The Hebrew Way.  But, I was not sure exactly what that entailed.  After I was directed to start classes and began learning the symbolic and principle-based nature of the Hebrew Alphabet, I learned a breadth and depth about learning and teaching in the original ancient way.  This has given me a complex understanding of what I am called to teach, as well as how I am to teach it.

Well, I have had an inkling that all this had to do with the Gathering of Israel to some degree, but i really couldn't imagine that this girl could do much about that.  However, when I began, I had a strong impression that what I had to share was for those in the "north."

As I began learning symbolism, one of the words which really jumped off the page at me was the symbolic meaning of "north."  In the Hebraeic cultural understanding, when one went "north" they were "going into sin" and became "lost."  So it became known to me that as I taught these truths and principles, I would be bringing others to a remembrance of who they were in relation to Israel's story or to a larger understanding of what happened to the family of Israel and therefore where they fit in that story; God's story.

That is what my Hebrew study has given me.  Along with learning from the Source of the ancient symbols, the principles which compliment the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it has given me the context of the story of the House of Israel; what has happened to us, both today and anciently.  (I include you and I because most of America is a remnant of the House of Israel purely because our ancestors came out of Europe or another Island where the remnants were, or because we have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior.)

Last weekend I had the chance to share my message in a simple conversation with 3 others and as I did, my real purpose came out; how I think I may be helping in some way in The Gathering of Israel.  They exclaimed, "Why aren't you saying that? You obviously are passionate about this and are being called and taught about it, so why don't you say that?"  My jaw was wide open with a smile... "Can I say that???"  (I realized I have had a guy on my shoulder saying, "Who are you to say that?" for quite some time.)

I knew it immediately.  They were absolutely right!   This IS why I am searching and learning.  This IS why I am teaching.  This is why I am teaching the principles that build foundation and the principles that unlock our chambers.  It is because I want to help gather my family of Israel.  I want to assist in bringing others to an awareness or an awakening to truths they already know and which will connect them to OUR story.  This is also why I am passionate about building community.  All I want is for us to unite and come feast at the table together with Christ.

So there it is.  I found it.

Here we are.

I only ask, if you have this love and desire like me, please help.

I am calling all who want to assist in The Gathering of Israel, to join me.

Subscribe here. Spread this message. Connect with me on FB.  I will be beginning free classes teaching the principles with OUR story.

Keep in touch!